SoDope Mafia 13 - AGORAPHOBIA

Who was in your home

@srceenplay full claim?

House 3

yeah star and srceen should fullclaim

Don’t vote yet btw gtacc/jake

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LOL that strategical ISO broke trick from @Ellibereth

I have already full claimed.
Urist town cleared me.

oh right

What did Screen claim?


So they have a red check as an enabler?

Of course

Wtf is an enabler

I have now looked up what an enabler does and it appears that you

  1. have not fullclaimed or

  2. can not have a red check

My red check is from my poe.

Well srceenplay is outted scum atp p much as long as gtacc and jake didnt fake mason

Dusk, what are you?

I make the houses but i was with starv last night and we are both still alive so hes town

Well then mafia intentionally NoKilled last night.

I’m cleared town. Are you reading?