Sky's Jester Nightless: The League of Illusionists [GAME OVER]

With respect to NM yeah?

The same idea as the curious incident of the dog in the night time - actually a surprising amount of effective techniques are based around this concept since people don’t intuitively analyze that way from either side of the aisle.

Do you care to explain this concept?

alright yall earned a deadline extension, the game will end in around 30 seconds

Lynch mantis

the mantis wagon is cursed

Join us

For a Mantis-less future

But I like mantis

VOTE: Mantis
sorry friend bye ):

VC 1.13

Mantis (L-1): Ellibereth, Not_Jester, Andres, the_worst
the_worst (L-3): Urist, ErikaFurudo
Not_Jester (L-4): Nanook
Ellibereth (L-4): Mantis
NotMafia (L-4): NotMafia

Wow how could you all not even solve a game in thirty seconds smh

Mantis join the worst wagon in your next post if you want to live.


kill it with :fire:

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

VOTE: mantins


VOTE: mantis


Just woke up!

that is a hammer

wow guys isnt it convenient that i have a lynch scene for this alignment all typed up and ready to go

wow isnt nightless amazing i dont even have to lock the thread