Sky's Jester Nightless: The League of Illusionists [GAME OVER]

Lynch mantis

the mantis wagon is cursed

Join us

For a Mantis-less future

But I like mantis

VOTE: Mantis
sorry friend bye ):

VC 1.13

Mantis (L-1): Ellibereth, Not_Jester, Andres, the_worst
the_worst (L-3): Urist, ErikaFurudo
Not_Jester (L-4): Nanook
Ellibereth (L-4): Mantis
NotMafia (L-4): NotMafia

Wow how could you all not even solve a game in thirty seconds smh

Mantis join the worst wagon in your next post if you want to live.


kill it with :fire:

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

VOTE: mantins


VOTE: mantis


Just woke up!

that is a hammer

wow guys isnt it convenient that i have a lynch scene for this alignment all typed up and ready to go

wow isnt nightless amazing i dont even have to lock the thread

ismt it great when ur mod twilight trolls

Scum mod


VOTE: the_worst
Looking bad regardless of the flip