Shakespeare Mafia: Game OVER!

VC 1-11

Full of vexation come I, with complaint

Against my child, my daughter Hermia.

Stand forth, Demetrius. My noble lord,

This man hath my consent to marry her.

Stand forth, Lysander: and my gracious duke,

This man hath bewitch’d the bosom of my child;

Goedel: 4 (catspurr, Momrangal, pyx, Metal Sonic)
Momrangal: 3 (Goedel, sheepsaysmeep, TheGoldenParadox)
TheGoldenParadox: 1 (Riley Cake)
Metal Sonic: 1 (Neymar)

Not Voting: 0 (no one)

Deadline: June 3, 2018 4:00 AM

Day 1 Ends With No Lynch

Night 1 begins now, and will end June 5, 2018 4:00 AM

When in that moment, so it came to pass,

Titania waked and straightway loved an ass.

sheepsaysmeep was a Town Vanilla

Day 2 Begins!

Deadline: June 11, 2018 4:30 AM

So, Momrangal, anything to say?

Oh, and I missed somewhere that it was majority lynch instead of plurality FPTP, though I guess that was pretty dumb of me, since MS is majority.

9 hours? Really? So if it’s just sheep and I even playing the game I guess I’m dead tonight and game over.

uh ok

sorry for not being around for deadline

Hi Pyx

I hadn’t realised that it majority lynch. :frowning:
I was counting on the flip giving us some information.
Any thoughts you would like to share?


What are your thoughts on the game TGP?

I’m almost still where I was at nightfall. I’m only a little surprised the nk was sheep instead of Neymar. And Mom more than hinted we’d be sure of their alignment in the overnight, so that we had a death and Mom is still around maybe says something too. And sheep could have been on the right track about that and general reads (well, except me).

There too I think the MS gang knew it was majority lynch, so that eod vote spread looks suspicious, but we got little extra to help with figuring it out. If today goes like yesterday I think the game is a wash. We’ll see who gets prodded or replaced out I guess.


You soft claimed yesterday?
Got anything to share with us?

I said I was weak, that alone means something.

The scum team assumed that I was a hider, instead of actually weak (pr here) and by hitting sheep they assumed that they were hitting two townies with one.

Okay, I don’t understand your references or exactly what your assumptions of the scum teams thoughts are.

By “Weak” you mean a weak Power Role?

And you think scum assumed you and Sheep had a connection through this power role?

Weak is a modifier that means when a said pr visits someone of an opposing alignment they die.

Hiders are weak and additionally, when they hide they remain unkillable when hiding. When the person they are hiding behind gets killed they get killed as well

Didn’t realize how short deadlines are.

Gonna go straight back here

vote: goedel

It’s almost like it wasn’t late as shit and people don’t sleep I guess huh?!?

Metal Sonic, Neymar, Goedel and Riley Cake have been prodded.

Hi sorry I got prodded

VOTE: Goedel

I was one of the instigators of the Goedel bandwagon yesterday.
To be honest I will have to go back and reread why. :frowning:

To help town, can each person voting Goedel give reasons please?