Fuck u
Only on Sundays
Thoughts on a lurking beeboy
Havent read anything it’s all been josh
From what I’ve seen it seems like a creature tell.
I’ve never played with scumboy so it doesnt affect my read. hes legitimately busy irl rn
I was just scum with him twice in a row. He lurked out.
what was he like in the xcum pt?
So like could it have been due to IRL or was he posting elsewhere?
If its a legitimate tell that’s cool good to know and I’ll push it.
It suits he’s being trained by Elli because Elli is also shit at scum
I honestly don’t know.
One game was on here and the other was ms.
I suppose I can check his post history on ms but that would be work.
do u get what I’m saying tho
being scum is just uninteresting
You are trying to say it’s nai.
unless he is posting elsewhere, probably. i don’t think its entirely nai but i don’t think disappearing = scum either. town beeboy has also been rly uselesslurkery w me.
idk why he hasnt checked in here
lets wagon
Lol. I want to vote cutie now.
Cats is also asking a lot of questions. It’s about like their last game. They where scum with me and beeboy. They always stayed busy and engaged. I can seem them as scum.
I think cutie and LLD is TvS but idrk which is the T.
The baby talk went away