SDMXI - Graveyard/Mod Commentary

Reading people who play differently from you is a core skill of mafia

Different is fine but im talking about the people who literally dont even get that star died and yakked someone

It’s not impossible, just not likely. I think there is enough thought that it could be multiball to make it plausible, but it shouldn’t be an assumption

if someone makes no action during the night can they still be redirected/force redirected?

I guess the issue is if you think someone turned or you think it’s multiball, you should play about the same way… So the point is somewhat moot. Not a lot of people are paying attention to the game though

What’s a forensic investigator, what does screen do

So many weird roles

Once per game can investigate one dead person at night. Finds out everyone who targeted the dead person throughout the game.

That’s broken as fuck isn’t it. Lol. It’s a 1 shot super watcher

Honestly super OP role in this game as it basically outs a killer. There aren’t enough visiting roles, that was a total mistake to add that one in

What does a beloved princess do? you said if leopard skin gets lynched we get another night? What if he gets NKed (not like he’s a nk target but still)

Beloved princess gets lynched and means 2 straight night phases

Idea behind it was that if someone targeted Elli screen could out Elli.

Should have limited it to types of roles I think

Luckily for us screen is too obvtown and is gonna die early anyway so whatever

So beloved princess doesn’t give us 2 nights if nightkill like in your mafia big list of roles? Rip. Cos if scum rand princess it’s too broken

Nah just lynches

Elli doesn’t visit a player, so if elli reflex kills someone screen wont detect them I don’t think

Solid point. Role is too powerful for this small a game

Thought I had it balanced decently. Possibly town siding now, though it could have been a bloodbath if town had suspected Elli

Too bad town doc sucks and screen is too towny

Mittens may have a good shot to win this as survivor