Scumhunter's Speed - Day 3 (Complete)

VUN is lurking or absent. He may or may not hammer.

I’m getting cold feet again.

Never mind. Every time I hesitate DS will post some absolute garbage that makes me go full speed ahead.

MS is trying to cover her tracks for the mislynch

@very_unique_name @Andresvmb

You two are vital in the decision today so be here and talk to us


Look at the world Cat just crafted. With what she laid out, scum has to be one of either me and/or Red, and if one of us flips town then it HAS to be one of you and MS.

Do you think scum is me and Red? Is that what you believe the world is?

Because that’s the exact world that MS has been pushing the latter half of this day

At this point it’s kinda a split between

DS/Gtacc voting Cat

And Cats/MS voting Me

So the decision really comes down to what you and Vun decide. I’ve been actively trying to solve the game and Cat just OMGUS me and Red in her post.

Wait, are you now saying VUN is scum? I thought it was me and Gtacc? Isn’t that what you’ve been pushing?

Yeah cats voting ds makes sense at this point
@very_unique_name @Andresvmb can you vote cats please? Cuz DS is town

Btw DS good luck at neopolitan game, Im finally teaching one of my friends how to play mafia

The game didnt fill for 2 weeks but gor overfilled in 1 day lol

im gonna slank and just coach Naz lol

im like very very very obvious town at this point

@very_unique_name if you think cats is scum, why dont you vote them?

DS you here? You should create the hydra so we can rand

Also its like 50 mins before eod and no one here rip


@MetalSonic you ok to lynch VUN? IDK if theyll flip mafia but def better than ds atm

Why are you bargaining with scum? Ask MS if they will vote Cats