Ranked Games Discussion

One one shot bp godfather, one goon, one vig, 8 vts

I talked to some people individually about this - 100% down with semi-open and even eventually closed setups in a few months - just want to nail down scoring and a few other things first with simpler ones.

What do you think of 30min / 10min deadlines? Or even 1hr / 20 min. It could be interesting and would invite a different style of play, but still competitive. We could set a time limit to switch to 48hrs/24hrs after 3-4 days or if everyone agrees to it.

I mostly play at work, wouldnt really “work” for me - ha

yo how does ranking work

DS #1
Everyone else tied for last

Over rated

Srceenplay can be 2

Shouldn’t be rated

3 stars, Michelin rated mafia player

Do any of you know how ELO works?

The real questions are as follows:
Will Elli be tracking ratings per alignment or just aggregate?
Will individual performance be taken into account, and if so, how?
Are scores going to be public?
If public, will the numerical ratings be available, or will a ranked system such as Rocket League or League of Legends be used? (EG: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster/Challenger)
Will said scores be attached to our accounts somehow?
If so, will we have custom flair available on the official Discord for reaching certain breakpoints (see above rankings)?

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Rate me

base rating until first game is finished. ofc

Thats no fun i dont play mafia


How many Michelins do i have

Michelin adjacent

Tire rated


Suggestion for ranked games: create sign up thread with close timer, then select format that is best with the amount of players who /in. I think that would be good because it would allow for ranked to grow a bit more naturally as opposed to growing whenever too many people complain that they didn’t get to join (Which isn’t so much of a problem today).

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