Ranked 2v7

Lol idk if I’m right but im dead n2 regardless no?

if you’re town yeah probly


like i said tho

  1. town winning makes town elo gain weighted more
  2. killing scum quickly makes town elo gain weighted more
  3. you need multiple votes to lynch someone
  4. im dumb and lazy and anxious pwease help me

i havent seen a gtacc flip yet sir

Thats fine

Whats a winning poe? 5?

is it in my elo interest to give one if I’m not sure of the 2nd? No it isn’t right? @Nanook

4 town if we hit scum before n3, 6 town if not

4 wins? Lmfaooo

if i did my maths right which is a huge stretch

Wow this setup is townsided as fuck



Mafia451 playerlist is also skewed towards town winning. In comparison to other sites which is skewed towards scum win.

ms are you from an anglosphere jw

Wait m2h whats ur poe

probably gtacc/starv/urist/nook/(ms or jake)

Sir thats 6 names

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that’s the player list minus me u and andres?

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me andres you are my solid towns, ms and jake are probably town. nook is honestly prob town too.