Popcorn but everyone has guns including scum

What button?

Gj you clicked it

Oh shit I didn’t know that existed

Discounting scum sacking for town which is never mathematically correct I think it’s simple recursion to do winrates

F(a,b) = (b/(a+b-1))F(a,b-1) + ((a-1)/(a+b-1))F(a-1,b)

Is probably of town win from a town b scum right @Ellibereth

With f(x,x) = 0 and f(x,0) = 1

Or wait no the presence of a clear matters. Like f(2,1) is 1/2 unless it came from f(3,1) and the shot hit town because then the other town just shoots the other player instantly for gg

Guess I could fix it by saying if there is a clear they are the only one who can shoot, and if they are bombed by scum it goes back to a free for all?

If we do that the probability math is easy…

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your squares look like shit


@Ellibereth please weigh in when u get a chance :slight_smile:

I’m thinking 4/12

im shooting whoever does math from now on

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In. How do I join. Is this the only game with signups at the moment?

The blue button at the top! DS has a game in signups as well I believe

cool, thanks.

@DS where’s your game at?

12s a good number balanced. I can start this soonish.

Note that if there’s confirmed town i.e. town has shot town that player will be the only one allowed to shoot.

Unless they get bombed then it’s game back on free for all

I’m confused

please clarify who can shoot and when

If there’s a confirmed town only them and/or scum can sac to kill them.

Otherwise anyone can shoot

Or we can do 5 scum 7 town true free for all I guess