Pokémon Mafia - Team Rocket Scum Thread


U guys good with no action speed up night?

Lynch star tmrw if for some reason still not over?

p sure we don’t win with josh or the game would be over rn

oh guess not

I think it’s just cuz Josh has a kill and confusion means like star said we can get doublekilled tonight

thought there were 5 alive

well it’s technically throwing to not shot josh, but I’m good with no killing. Team Rocket is honorable.

It’s not throwing with the confusion around no?

no kill

speed up night

@ds anyone poisoned?


we should win no matter what with fly and recover ?


fly and no kill?

or worst shoots josh

Why isnt it over?

Is he a “threat” because he has a kill?

cause we don’t win with josh, he scheming

he is sk or some shit