Pokémon Mafia (GAME OVER)

Like, they would need to kill their own faction in order to lose… Wait, no even if they kill their entire faction, scum still win because GTacc is triggered on lynch right?

Yeah, so scumc could not lose because GTacc would need to get lynched in a 1v1 in order to force a tie…

They still needed to reach their win condition tho

Eh… Impossible to lose = no threats remain. The wording indicates that it should have ended.

in the 2v1v1 in theory josh could have shot one of the scum and then shoot another one right?

No, if he shoots a scum, they know before he can do it again don’t they? I read it like marked for death, but idk?

Also it was 3 v 1 v 1

Even if Josh’s shot isn’t announced to the person marked for death, then he dies that night which leaves a 1v1… So Josh would never do that because it’s game throwing.

So, if survivor throws AND the marked for death is not announced to the player about to die, maybe? Town could tie

If vig mishot (which is a likelier thing if you only consider playercount while calculating odds) the game ends after only 1 mislynch tho
13 player game


And by this I dont mean we have 1 mislynch, Im saying we start with mylo to day1

I think DS point is town roles can solidly change that even from parity for town to come back and win

But slightly to mid scumsided maybe but not like this 90 10

its 90 10 or worse, you’re not going to change my mind there.

I think removing the suicide bomber would have been gucci.

I mean in theory we can write up a simulation for this where we ignore the stones.


Did I win?

no ds fucked you

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You got lynched, so yes.