I like the mindset but that doesn’t mean I trust him with the stone. I trust myself with the stone because I know my alignment.
Other people do not know my alignment yet if they aren’t members of Team Rocket so they should be wary of me getting a power up item. That’s a villager mind set.
If I prove my alignment well enough then people will want me to have the item which also is true if people show their alignment to me so I might consider trusting them with it.
I would make a joke about tossing balls around haphazardly ruins the examination procedure but it would be a bad joke to make.
I think claiming what Pokémon you are gives away too much so I am against a mass claim.
To be fair I would be against a mass claim because it makes the game too boring which I have argued about with multiple people so that’s a whatever statement.
Josh is claiming Pokedex is my internal speculation which I am going to share with the rest of you. He is spying on all of us finding out everything so he can share it with the world. I am cute and adorable so make sure to get a good picture of me for the display screen Josh.