- Disclaimer: Any flavour I’ve written does not necessarily reflect what I actually think of you.
- 48/24h phases. One person will be banished per game day. Please do not place more than one vote at a time unless your role permits it.
- Banishment is plurality at deadline. Mafia breaks ties. If a majority is reached before deadline, that player is banished immediately. Keep in mind that some players’ votes might not count.
- Flips are alignment only.
- Roles were designed before alignments were determined.
- Each player starts the game with 4 one-shot actives and 5 passives (this includes 1 post restriction, 1 vote restriction, and 1 action restriction).
- The choices you gave for other players were assigned the same distribution as above. In other words, 5 of the words you sent were chosen to be passives, and the rest were made into actives.
- Every night, you may take up to two of the following actions:
- Use an active ability.
- Purge two of your passive abilities, removing them from the game.
- Attempt to steal an ability from another player by stating its exact name. In the event of multiple players trying to steal the same ability, all of them will fail.
- Failure to fulfill a post restriction results in losing one of your actions for that night.
- Action restrictions don’t cause purges to fail.
- The mafia team may additionally kill a player at night. If the kill is successful, they will learn which abilities that player had, and may choose to take any number of them.
- Actions resolve in this order: Actives / Mafiakill > Purging > Stealing.
- The town win condition is “You win when all of the non-town players have been eliminated”.
- The mafia win condition is “You win when all of the town players have been eliminated, or when nothing can prevent that from happening”.
- There are three mafia, although one doesn’t know who their partners are.
- I take back what I said about this being balanced.
- I’m sorry.