New Year Upick (8/8) [GAME OVER]

You’d be wrong. :man_shrugging:

Keep in mind that you’ve never liked or really got how I played so ~
In one of the last game we played together I was pushing for people to claim early in a large with anti-claim mechanics.

My flavor’s pretty cute - I need to do stuff asap since I’ll “die” because of my procrastination.

Anywho it’s probably unproductive for us to have this convo since you historically have just not liked how I did things even though my results back my shit up - I doubt either of us will convince the other of anything “theoretical” in game. Hopefully you at least know to sheep me if I get a sufficiently confident read. :wink:

May someone else see the light and starts dem claims. :slight_smile:

P.S. Added this game to the ongoing games eye icon on the header.

Is an awful lot like “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”

I think it’s only fair that you start the claims process; I’m willing to full claim if you are.

These were my fullclaim lol - my resolution is in the sign up topic (which ironically I’m finishing right now).

The role is “formally” Poisoned Town.

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I’m a Town Jailkeeper. My flavor is that I isolate a player in a virtual machine in order to analyze them (
for malware)

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I dont like it either but it is what it is. Let me be a king maker. Those games are obviously the best.

My resolution was to finish home projects.
My role was i need to survive to do that. Hence for I’m known as a survivor

Lol you are so full of shit.
My resolution was to just get through the year.
I am a survivor.

sounds good to me. we can both be survivors.

Ok let’s make an alliance. First we’ll vote off tn, he seems like an easy target.
VOTE: tn5421

I’m just going to play it safe and vote for consensus


Im going to take this as acceptance of my claim.

I accept both that you are probably a survivor and that you have no sense of good fun.
survivor claim? more like survivor LAME

@chesskid3 @Myloninja13 @ErikaFurudo @DS we still need claims.

Current claim status is as follows:

Player Role Claim Flavor
Ellibereth Poisioned Town Anti-procrastination
tn5421 Town Jailkeeper Virtual Machine
Srceenplay Survivor Finish Home Projects
Urist Survivor Get through the year
Erika Furudo ? neighborhood?
Myloninja13 ? ?
DS ? ?

Your resolution is to become a vm???

My resolution is to switch to linux for my home computing needs

And no, I have no idea how metalsonic got ‘lets make VMs’ out of that.

Maybe he thinks you’re gonna run a linux vm on your windows machine

I mean, I do have a LTS ubuntu installed via VirtualBox…Jailkeeping and virtualizing are similar enough that the role itself makes sense, but how he arrived at virtualizing i’ll never know
