I think 9 solar credits gives us at least 12 hours, idk, we’ll see.
if we’re spending our votes, just wanna make sure we have the day to actually vote.
I think 9 solar credits gives us at least 12 hours, idk, we’ll see.
if we’re spending our votes, just wanna make sure we have the day to actually vote.
I think I misunderstood this question. I took you to mean “can we give/spend money to/for the factional talents”. To which the answer is yes.
However, you cannot give money to the factional bank itself. You’d be able to give stuff to proto, if you had the Trading factional talent.
cancel give 35 to bank.
Spent 20 of my coins to upgrade Factional to block +1.
Spent 15 of my coins and 5 bank coins to… upgrade factional income rating.
all other actions the same.
Use 0 priority medallions.
Upgrade ether crest income spend 20
5 ether crests
8 influence markers
Convert 5 PT to Priority medallions.
uhhh 9 solar crests.
Spend 20 of my coins to upgrade Factional to block +1.
Spend 15 of my coins and 5 bank coins to… upgrade factional income rating.
@proto You drew the following cards for N4:
(Feat, Cost 4) Neighborize target player.
(Feat, Cost 5) Track target player. Fails if they have higher priority.
(Ritual) Increase Athleticism by x/12.
(Ritual) Blank, cannot be played.
@DoggoPlays You drew the following cards for N4:
(Feat, Cost 2) Give fruit to target player.
(Feat, Cost 2) Steal target player’s remaining Power Tokens.
(Ritual) Increase Athleticism by x/12.
(Ritual) Blank, cannot be played.
Doggo - can change any/all if you find something better. Urist - forever auth given to Doggo to amend for me. I’m going to sleep soon and understand people might want to turbo it. If they do, I am okay with it if Doggo is ok with it.
Proto takes faction kp to kill Jake.
Proto blocks Dunya
150k priority medallions.
Upgrade ether crest income spend 30
Upgrade influence income spend 40
5 ether crests
0 influence markers
Spend 13 power tokens for medallions
Faction upgrade Kill to Level 3 - 40 power tokens
Also shouldnt our faction income rating be level 1 from Doggo’s last request?
yes, fixed
just curious, did you have a spreadsheet macro for this game or all manual?
spreadsheets with formulae yes, macros no.
would you run this again? I would be down
really interesting strategies possible imo
i probably will run it again at some point, not soon though, even with the spreadsheets it’s a lot of work.
This game is a lot of fun so thank you for the effort!
@proto I have more prio tokens so I think I want to do the night kill and block?
actually, I think one of us should do the block and the other the night kill, just in case a towny has MEGA power tokens and blocks one of us, this way one of our actions still goes through?
I prefer to carry the kp in case redirect. I have enough ether to close out the game solo I think although it’s close.
If you somehow get redirected to me, it’s a disaster.
If you think the extra medallions are better to prevent redirect then happy for you to take the kp and block or I can block.
On mobile though so helpful if you can amend my night actions for me and submit.
Proto takes faction kp to kill Jake.
Doggo blocks Dunya (altering Proto’s actions; Doggo uses the factional block, not Proto)
Doggo Uses
149,999 priority medallions.
Upgrade ether crest income spend 40
2 ether crests
0 influence markers
0 solar crests
Spend 2 Powertokens on Feat - Steal Dunya’s remaining powertokens
upgrade income rating, spend 20 pt
convert 15 PT to priority medallions
Take 5 PT from the bank and use the 5 PT to give proto an additional 50,000 prio tokens for next cycle (so proto is spending 13 of their own tokens plus 5 tokens from the bank, giving them 180,000 tokens for next night)
@proto You drew the following cards for N5:
(Feat, Cost 6) Bus two players. The bus will not affect players with higher priority.
(Feat, Cost 7) Block target player’s actions. Fails if they have higher priority.
(Ritual) Increase Athleticism by x/12.
(Ritual) Play x/6 extra cards this night.
Proto takes faction kp to kill Dunya.
Proto blocks Dunya
180k priority medallions.
4 ether crests
5 influence markers
Use my 164 power tokens and 120 factional power tokens to buy medallions for next night.
In case day is really fast and I am asleep, I would like to auto vote Dunya in daytime if they dont die at night.
happy to speed the night if dunya is happy to do so.