Needlessly Complicated Mafia - Postgame



@chesskid3 That’s how it’s done

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@Ellibereth what’s your number? I’m guessing yours is also probably very high.

Its unfair its not a blind sample cuz we have a different dynamic than you two!

mine is also p damn high but not 59 lmao

You were just being belligerent. If my number was 8 or something I would be dead and cursing at you.


If your number was 8 and u didn’t answer when I asked it would be on u lmao

No it wouldn’t. You’re the one voting. That’s on you.

Andrws playing dumb

VOTE: andresvmb
VOTE: andresvmb

This gives u notice lmao

Stop. Just as much as I can’t read you, you’re not particularly good at reading me. What’s your number?

Wait i don’t think hammwrs exist?

I am 10

No, they don’t.

There’s currently an angle-shoot available… Though I’m not sure if I trust it enough given the individual.

It involves Apples and Oranges

Not comparable

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I really like the setup.