Necromancy Mafia OVER

Votecount as of post #42

Screenplay (1): Tier
urist (1): Srceenplay
Chesskid3 (3): MetalSonic, Ellibereth, DS
Ellibereth (1): chesskid3

Not Voting (1): Urist

Post Count Tracker

@DS @MetalSonic
One of you is being trash right now and needs to stop.

@Srceenplay dude u know me

@Tier Josh owes you $20 and Elli is holding it for him so.

@Urist idk if we have this history but ffs come on.

Oh yeah and @Andresvmb fuck you just do it.

VOTE: chesskid

VOTE: Urist

VOTE: Chesskid3

Votecount as of post #49

Chesskid3 (4): MetalSonic, Ellibereth, DS, Tier
Ellibereth (1): chesskid3
urist (1): Srceenplay

Not Voting (1): Urist

Post Count Update:

VOTE: Tier

Hahahaha Chess has 4 votes already? And why is Tier without posts?

@chesskid3 say I believe you. Why Elli?

VOTE: Ellibereth

Arrrrrrvast ye maggot-eatin scallewagges, if this be a scum lynche on ye crustye chesskide we’lle bringen oot ye olde grog an have weselfs a hodowne

VOTE: Chesskid3

And so the hostage sailors resolved the situation the only way they knew how…

Creepy? One shouts

Get him! Shouts another as they all point at Chesskid3

Chesskid3 is hanging by a thread as he was viciously beaten by his comrades during the interrogation. One last gasp: I’m innocent, I didn’t…


The final blow is dealt as you rip the spleen from his body.

VICTORY!!! VICTORYYY!!! A lone sailor started the shouting, but now it’s like a night at the opera in here.

The door swings open with a chilling breeze… The pant-less attendant and the brute stand there. Slightly disgusted as your fellow sailor is about to ingest the spleen that was just removed…

Attendant: Oy! … He confessed? Well how do you know he was scum?

The truth is… you don’t… What the fuck were you thinking, ripping the spleen from your prime suspect. It’s almost like you’ve all lost your mother fucking minds!

The attendant calls in the town priest to analyze the remains… One finger up the anus hole and oh… Nope, this one was good and holy.


Player: Chesskid3
Alignment: Town

As the trio leaves the room, you noticed the priest dropped some sort of dark and mysterious object on the floor… No one dares approach it.

Well, that was a weird fucking day… I surely hope that the priest doesn’t violate me next… Best be vigilant my friend… Best be vigilant… Focus… Foooooooooooooooooooo…

And the power of sleep takes over as night shrouds Port Phasmatys.

Night 1 Begins.


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You wake to the crow of the large brute who seems to be choking on that coq from yesterday… You walk out into the common room where Srceenplay sits and says: At the rate sun rises, blood has been spilled this night.

These are his last words as he holds up his still beating heart in a gesture to hand it to you and falls over… Leaving the floor stained with his blood.

Somehow, he must have noticed it was his own blood right? Anyway, we’ve got more important fish to fry. Some asshole ventured over to the Ectofuntus shrine north of the Port… How they escaped and got back unseen is entirely unclear…

Just before tea and biscuits, the priest comes by to inspect the dead body of Mr. Srceenplay… He exclaims with great satisfaction:

He’s dead alright

But we wanted to know if he was scum, we already knew he was dead.

Srceenplay stands up, shoving his no longer beating heart back into his chest and exclaims: Well of course I’m not Scum, I was killed at NIGHT BY SCUM… SCUM KILLED ME… But I can’t remember who it was… It was just a shadow, then, well… I felt alive and well again, so I must not actually be dead. Maybe there was no kill at all tonight?

You all stand in awe of this man who must truly believe that he is in fact not dead… Whatever, let’s just get to the tea and biscuits before we decide who to kill today.

The priest smacks Srceenplay on the head with his cross just to ensure that he is actually alive, the lack of reaction leads the priest to one conclusion…

Well, two actually: This dude is definitely dead, I would be careful if I were yall… He’s definitely not scum though.

And with that, the priest leaves the room… Something seems a little off about this undead Srceenplay, but then again… WHAT THE FUCK… There’s Chesskid3 just waltzing over to the table like it’s nothing… This place gives me the creeps…


Player: Srceenplay
Alignment: Town

Returning to the game:

Player: Srceenplay
Alignment: Undead

Player: Chesskid3
Alignment: Undead

Necromancer has been activated, each living player will have 2 entries into the draw for this role whereas each dead player will only have 1, this is to balance out the fact that being a dead necromancer really fucking sucks…

The Necromancer is: Unknown

Now, it really should be awful sharing tea and biscuits with a zombie, but hey… It’s not actually that much worse than anything else going on in this town. You presume it is probably a good idea to burn the entire place to the ground when you leave, no one will miss it… Or maybe they are friendly zombies… No one knows… Or do they?

A few hours late… Guess what time it is? IT’s MOTHER FUCKING LYNCH TIME!

Let’s GO!

@Andresvmb 1/5
@chesskid3 3/5
@DS 2/5
@MetalSonic 2/5
@Srceenplay 2/5
@Tier 1/5
@Urist 1/5

Day 2 mod tips:

  • Undead win with the necromancer unless they are killed a second time, in which case they go back to their original victory condition.
  • Mafia team kills and self-kills are totally legal at night
  • The Necromancer is a 1-shot Doctor
  • The Necromancer cannot be killed at night by the mafia unless he is also mafia.

VOTE: Ellibereth

not n1’d

VOTE: Ellibereth

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fuck you metal sonic dont even like my posts you fuckhead

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Is Elli our wincon now chesskid?

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