Mitigating Super Low Activity/Flaking/Replacing

Discounting SUAV’s, from completed games.

Tarot Upick - No replacements
Complete unoriginal - No replacements
Cutie Mafia - No replacements
Ray Bradbury - 1 replacement
Chosen - No replacements
Dragon Hunters - No replacements
Duel Monsters - 5 replacements, abandoned

I might have missed some but most/game-breaking is probably an exaggeration.

Things are relative, I just happen to be in two games with lots or replacement.

We can talk about those when they’re over. :slight_smile:

Restarting this conversation.

Going forward, regardless of format, I think there has to be some punishment for people who replace out/flake. We can definitely keep track of when anyone replace outs - what should we do with this information? Should we take into account reasons?

Crazy ideas are welcome. Examples:

  • If you replace out 2 times you’re not allowed to join anything else unless you make a public apology.
  • Publicly shown badge of dishonor.
  • Annoying popups that somehow bother people who’ve replaced too much.
  • Simple banned for t days if replaced out n times
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Times can possibly be expanded into replace out sessions (i.e. if someone replaces out of 5 games at the same time it count as 1 session). Not sure which makes more sense, there are pros and cons to both.

make a neon green theme that people who replace out are forced to use for a month

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I think there should probably be a distinction between replacing out and being kicked out—if you’re kicked out for low activity, you shouldn’t have joined in the first place. If you have to ask out…well, life happens sometimes, and at least you let the GM know. That’s not nearly as bad to me, and shouldn’t carry the same stigma.

My own personal rule as a GM is that if someone has to be kicked out for low activity, I warn them before the next time they join a game of mine…and if it happens again, I don’t let them join future games of mine until they’ve proven themselves elsewhere or I have a compelling reason to.

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I like the point system.
On board game arena they use a point system to show how reliable a player is.
Then you just use WOTM and WOTC (with PM)

I agree that they’re not the same.

However “life happening” too often is often just a sign of poor planning, yeah? Or that in general whatever life isn’t one that’s well suited for multi-day commitments.

The problem with this is that it puts the onus on the players/mods to check the points. Unless we make it painfully obvious how often will people actually check?

Maybe it should be reverse WOTC?
Everyone has to explicitly say that they’re okay with someone playing.

I don’t have a problem with obvious. I know on BGA it makes me more disaplined.

How do point reductions work on BGA?

I look for details in a bit

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If you are worried about visible numbers or points. Maybe keep them hidden in profile but have the names viewed with different colors that reflect the scale of your score?

I like it, an easy way to implement the numbers is with the titles. Just need to figure out a plus-minus system that makes sense.

  • are probably finish game, and replace in AND finish game.
  • are replace out but informing mod, flaking

What do other ppl think?

I like it. Would it make sense to have an expiry on points? Like if someone hasn’t played a game in a year, is their replace karma still meaningful?

I mean…it depends a lot on the communication between player and GM. If the player tells me in advance something like “I really want to play, but I’m not sure of my schedule next week,” I’m a lot more willing to work with that than someone who just drops off the map.

And yeah, if it happens in 5 straight games, then they probably shouldn’t keep signing up, but I’m much more forgiving of and willing to give leeway to someone making a good faith effort not to ruin a game than someone just disappearing.

Okay, this is how this is going to work for now, pending feedback:

  • Someone is either in good standing or bad standing. Everyone starts at good standing with 0 points.
  • Someone is in bad standing after they get at least 4 points. Replace outs = 2 points. Flaking = 4 points.
  • Someone loses 1 point for every complete game played or for every month that passes where they don’t gain points.
  • Once someone is in bad standing - they don’t return to good standing until their point total returns to 0.
  • Bad standing is signified by a red :x: avatar flair - see the post below.

You do not get points if you replace out because of:

  • mod or player errors.
  • a medical/personal/family emergency.

What does everyone think?


I’m in bad standing.