You’ve made extreme efforts in attacking players, like gtacc and Vizzy, but I haven’t seen good arguments for impulse town beyond “that’s too stupid for scum to do”. Sadly, i can extend the same defense that you make for impulse into all the points you made against Vizzy - I’m not defending Vizzy or think they’re extra town like gtacc per se but I’m part of Anti-hypocrisy squad.
No, I just think he’s retarded
Good thing this isn’t MU!
It isn’t alifun either but oh well!
Got banned from both
they could both be wolves for all I care. I just find impulse’s unprompted claiming to be roleblocked on the no kill night townier than vizzy sitting on critical information the same phase. I’m not saying he needed to claim it, but it doesn’t read like he even took his own info into consideration that day.
That’s what I think too, but the opposite of you. I think impulse is more likely to be scum.
vizzy who supposedly commuted impulse was supposedly jailed by impulse
Skygazer also sat on critical information the same phase. Either that or Andres is a smooth criminal that came up with something smooth after he replaced in.
Who didn’t take information into consideration? As far as I know, the big 3 AFKS (Vizzy Impulse Skygazer) are equally guilty of the same thing. While you think Impulse is the town in there, it isn’t that clear from my point of view.
Impulse didn’t receive your gift, so Vizzy’s action is confirmed. Unfortunately, it doesn’t guilty impulse because the kill still went through. But, it doesn’t clear impulse either cos he’s obviously getting roleblocked, lmao.
But at least skygazer is reticent about it being an actual guilty. Idk, it could go either way.
I find Impulse’s action claims extreeemely suss by the way.
N2 Roleblocking himself
N3 jailkeeping the same guy who commuted him.
Is it possible that he’s lying about there actions because he’s taking another action that he isn’t claiming?
(I’m just asking this because I’m changing playstyle, btw. Usually I’d just say that he IS lying because that’s too ridiculous to come from town as well)
did impulse claim n1 yet?
And day 1 impulse bodyswapped himself to pyx who died
So impulse would be seen visiting pyx
I think that the scumteam is scared of trackers or watchers
Lucky for them, we don’t have any in this game! Except for your shitty 1 shot track that you didn’t give to me
Not like you could give it to me anyway because you were roleblocked but you still suck
It’s the thought that counts
my action list:
n1: play wow and increase the actions I can take each phase by 1
n2: strong willed jailkeeper to impulse, role blocked doc to screen and track to sky
n3: secret gift to metal and investigative that shares how many actions one has to impulse.
I’m also the announcer from the mod notes
What exactly is the difference between a jailkeeper and someone who commutes other people? I’ve never seen a non-self commuter.
Someone who commutes other people makes them completely untargetable
Jailkeeper only prevents the target from being killed
I don’t know how Urist created the role, and Vizzy isn’t exactly clear on how it works (or about anything, really)
oh ya makes sense. It all kinda adds up to impulse + vizzy wolf team, no?
note: night 3 I was limited by gtacc to ms, impulse, and skygazer
Yeah I think so.
VOTE: impulse