MHA Mafia Game Thread - Game Over

These at the bottom represent your more likely Scum right? So we’re essentially diametrically opposed with the exception of GKB.

There was a vote error that’s been fixed. @Seththeking (and in general) when voting a player please use their username OR a unique substring of it. - Elli

the more that I think about it, the more that I think calling me automatic scum for voting him is actually townie

because like he can call me scum all he likes as scum, but he probably knows that he’s not going to get anyone to vote me with what he’s doing now

I don’t want to policy lynch to start the game - too easy to hide behind. GTacc won’t survive the whole game anyway and I think he knows it too.

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This is a Poem
This is an UNVOTE
I have a Power role
And maybe a boat.

Jake can you tell me about your play style.

none of me/GKB/Jake is voting banans

Hey I don’t think my opinions are that bad
also GTacc already showed this on their readlist….

If you’re actually Bakugou, I don’t think it’s far to say that you have kill power. Please don’t give up on the game…

No I won’t do that!
I will never bend your will!
Just bend Meta

hot take jake is purposefully speaking in poems to spite meta and is scum

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it’s absolutely gorgeous

Jake, don’t listen to the haters.

also why does all of bep’s posts keep showing up as Elli’s posts for like a minute

or does the site overwrite all mod messages as the host messages

You seem intent on switching the vote away from GKB and onto anything that might stick. It doesn’t matter you aren’t voting for deadbananas actually.

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Irish Anon on MU in January (I think it was Jan)

I’m not against this thought

Roses are :red_circle:
Violets are :large_blue_circle:
I like poems
Something isn’t like it seems


You were being an insensitive prick :stuck_out_tongue:


I haven’t even called anyone incompetent this game that’s an improvement!

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No you got me wrong, voting while I was voting Arete it was very early in the game but gradually I liked them more. Also my voting wasn’t becauss Arete voted for them

Yeah because my top scum is the person that started pushing GKB.

orange you made me lose my train of thought I completely forgot what I was thinking about

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