MHA Mafia Game Thread - Game Over

tbf part of the stated logic in the other one was ‘no one on the ToL forum can play scum to save their lives’ and this is not ToL

on a scale of mountainous to FoL


oh yike

back to my old vote

VOTE: deadbananas

everyone started out VT but could become a PR through in-game events

also one of the scum was a lost wolf, they knew the scumteam and the scumteam knew that there was a lost wolf but not their identity

Reminds me of PMFM running super high kp because it was more important to introduce people to the idea of closed rolemadness than while still fitting in a very tight spot on the schedule than it was to be more balanced


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so like

a first level PR would get you things like Caroler/vengeful that only works for nightkills/2-shot RB

a second-level PR would get you things like 3-shot night vig/3 (?) shot AC/Doctor

Is that really a lw tho


While you’re here

Talk to me about Screenplay

them complaining about people talking is silly but I don’t think it’s AI, I’ve read through a couple games on this site and it seems like more of a culture clash thing than anything alignment-related

I’m not really a fan of them dropping naked votes with zero explanation or context and their post about how many scum felt kind of like a post that exists for the sake of existing

they’re a slight scumlean but not, like, super strong or anything


I disagree with that take for what is admittedly a microread but I still feel is valid

VOTE: JakeTheWolfie

ime Jake is super easy to read if you put pressure on him

what’s your microread?

lol I was just voting him because he’s a furry

gimme a sec you voted


I think he vastly underestimates my ambition as scum

But like

This challenge feels real

I like the edge, the hint of spice

Didn’t think I needed to give context. Everyone else read the same stuff, right?
I suppose if you had questions you could ask. You know kinda like me being curious about the potential amount of scum.

I just feel really good about that post