Matroskha 4: Over!

Responsibility runs both sides.

I had fucking Elwood/Andres as a potential team too but fucking got too caught up in Clem/Elwood putting eachother near eacother in p much every list posted and I second guessed my Clem read which was originally my strongest town read

if I show you data that points towards global warming is true and you sit there in an igloo saying it’s global warming’s responsibility to provide more evidence then :man_shrugging:

You say that now. I succeeded in trying to make that happen.

Fun fact once you get 1 and 2 town down town has a 66% WR randomly

wow! it’s like’ing after finding two locktown wasn’t even a big meme

Like what Elli did. His random list wins.

Heres evidence as to why your plan doesnt work:

We just lost the game because I couldnt put you next to Elwood.

i firmly believe that when you’re below a certain level of confidence that thinking is worse than randing.

Yeah… Because Elwood was the scummiest dude in the game. Repeatedly TMI

Wow I didnt realize my fact was this fun

losing a game isn’t evidence that something is bad

Its evidence that its not good tbh

also we should have had a vig, and ck should have had to wait for a pm

that’s not true.

“hey I’m going to roll a die, you can choose 1-5 or 6. If it hits the side you guess you get 20 dollars!”

“I pick 1-5!”

rolls die

result is 6

“damn I guess picking 1-5 isn’t good”


It’s never been a PM since game 1. It’s been bolded in thread and I accepted all caps and tagging me :man_shrugging:

Also the vig remains legitimately useless

pinging the mod like that is submitting. i think punishing angleshoot attempts are to the mod’s leniency anyways

i mean
the OP says not to test by submitting early
this means posting in thread right? because otherwise you could endlessly reaction test in thread and there wouldn’t be ‘no test’ rule.

like honestly if i play these a certain way and lose 1/3 of the time I think its a great strategy