Matroshka Mafia: Over

Lol, did you not read where I laid out the drawbacks and said we shouldn’t blindly sheep elli?

How tf do you get katsyusha as your top town read. Genuinely confused there

Right now I feel pretty good about Andres being town (less good about him being smart), elli is meh so far, and I like Star. If I were the doll maker, right now my order would probably be something like Star/Andres/Urist (scum)/TN/DS/Elli

Not sure which of DS/Elli is scum there, but I don’t think they’re scum together. Urist is mostly cause there’s nothing to read him on so it’s sort of a scum by default situation.

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To argue. Or to make an order. Dunno, play the game?

It should be easier to figure out based on what he does for his order.

I actually feel decently confident that you’re Town. If you had reacted combative to my Scum Read I would have solidified my read of you that way. So now I’ve changed my mind.

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Tbh I didn’t really notice you were acumreading me, I was too preoccupied with that horrible Kats townreads :woman_shrugging:

forgetting katy in 2019

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Nah, it should be very hard for Urist to hide in this format

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New order:

  1. Nanook
  2. Tn
  3. DS
  4. Ellibereth
  5. Urist
  6. StarV
  7. Katyusha


Like seriously, they have what, 5 posts? And everyone of them amounts to an emoji or “don’t put two scum in a row.” How can you possibly be confident enough there to make a townread.

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You’re not a top Town Read, and you’re calling Elli Scum who is calling you Town. What are you arguing about specifically?

I’m not. You’re right.

I dunno Star seems towny to me

If Elli were town he would be calling me scum, not anymore, but his read on me is based on tmi.

Then why say you were? Just to fuck around…?

I didn’t substantiate it much, and I just assumed for a second they were Town to make an order up. It’s creating debate no?

It’s dumb, yes

Ok, so if we get one more townie, this game is over.