Matroshka Mafia 8p

Yep basically

If that’s easier to parse I can change it to that

Not rule 1 tho

Like the rules become

1 and 2 must be town
No consecutive scum

Yeah i think that is easier

5 dollars chesskid didn’t realize there was an easier alt definition when he made this

  1. No betting

/in but not because elli told me to

Can I join. I dont mind if I dont have a pr cause it looks like I can shit talk his game alot

Of course

Nvm. You’re taking the criticism well. Wont be fun.

let’s try to get 8 instead of 7

@ds make it 7 for starters and we will see if we can find an 8th

U really dont think 8 is townsided?

3 scum lul

2 scum

N/3, rounded down


no im saying 8 p with 3 scum LOL

TTSTSTS or lose? Sounds great LOL

eh fine we can test run 7p 2 scum just to see how it feels.
it’s only 5 days total anyway yeah