Matroshka Mafia 2: More Grandmothers Required [Talk Dolls To Me]

Forming reads on every player is impossible for me.

Like in general not just in the order

just in order.

This sounds like town elli

Yes, separate the two most obvious townies, good job kiddo

What are we supposed to discuss if we can’t vote lol

It’s d1 practice.

like not having a vote shouldn’t make things harder to discuss in theory but people just often use it as an excuse to not do anything else useful so it does


“reading words and figuring out who is town and who are and aren’t likely pairings” :thinking:

Am I bad at counting probability or is it very hard for town to lose this game?

Oh my bad I counted 7 players

It is very hard for town to lose this game, and yet we lost last game

winrate’s a little over 30 for town irrc. (one more player than last run which was 28)

5/21 for town to win which means like <%25

oh I counted 7 players again

For 6 players I think it is 20% which is very low I think

it’s (n-4 choose 2)/(n-1 choose 2)

There are 15 combination for first 2 players right? And 6 possibilities for first 2 players to be town which makes it 6/15
There are 6 possibility for last 4 slot (TTSS TSST SSTT, STTS STST TSTS) and we only win in half of them
1/2 . 6/15 = %20 aren’t I correct?

doesn’t this make 1/10? I’m not very familiar with english combinations and permutaions