M19 Doc 14 Game Thread - Mafia win!

Hi sorry for being largely absent yesterday
What happened other than yall killing a villager

unsuccessful theater



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still think Eric was the right kill even if he was v

@Firekitten can i get your thoughts on these together

Can you
Explain on this

Like yes I get thinking I’m the doctor but did you think that orange was not night killed and that’s why you pretended to be doctor who knew I wasn’t doctor or

give me like five minutes need to go bathroom

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i thought you were… playing along with me

My thoughts are that these are (partially) no longer true.

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Alright but
Why did you do it?

to? keep orange alive?

i had thought orange was the n1 heal and was focused on the fact that doc cant heal the same target two nights in a row

Not FK but I can share thoughts

There’s a lot of these where
It’s not really a read on the player that they’re reading but more a read on their read? Like they start with laser and talk about Flash for the entire thing
Think this means that they’re kinda all over the place so towny?

Oh sorry I forgot
I thought you were claiming doctor so of course I forgot what ur stated reasoning was
Have you done this before? Did you even think it was going to work?

I’m asking these questions because I’m worried tbh

not in recent memory
although i havent exactly had a lot of situations where its applicable since
tbh i figured it wouldnt work but figured a chance was better than nothing

the moment I die is the day that Nick gets executed tbh


This doesn’t mean I think he’s lock town this is just a read I have, that the thread has wanted to kill him and will kill him if I die

You guys can push him if you want tho

read that backwards

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