M19 Doc 14 Game Thread - Mafia win!

I don’t feel confident in a bit either way tbh

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Per post 1, doc can’t self-heal.

no I meant wtf are you doing rn you are about to die


thanks for caring about my safety Eric but I care more about yours rn


about that

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Yes yes I know

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Setting a land mine. IF you’re doc, should be harmless. If you’re not, you’re gone.

We all know.

again DOESNT answer my question at all wtf you doing you are dying

I don’t think you do :laughing:

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Explain. The question.


you are dying
are you not stopping that
no thoughts
just doctor stuff

I’m staying I think

You’ve decided I’m scum. I’ve told you for the last two days that I’m not.

OK. Well, I share aelin’s concerns about you.

following you today, in return for yesterday

but you’ve heard my full thoughts on our options

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actually aelin’s concerns are about me

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listen the doc shouldn’t be leading executions

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WOW. You are denser than governmentium. I could explain it but I’m out of crayons.