M19 Doc 14 Game Thread - Mafia win!

I disliked his first reads list (post 698) It read to me as the only reads he had were of the confirmed group of town folk and had nothing on everyone else. Super noncommittal and added squat to actually solving anything about the game. His second one was better (post 824) but it did give me pause to go from one to the other in just over 100 posts and the amount of pressure he was presented with in response to the first one to give out a second one so soon and have it look so much better.


Overall I am like who is on the EricH wagon more than who is with me on gellnick. So I will switch in the matter of tie breaking and I do have them quite equal with regards to how I feel about them.


I’m riding this out
Still think Eric is best execution

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i only feel half confident on squirrel tbh

will check

look it’s not like I want to hammer this in because I think it carries very little real weight when I bodied JKBear out of literally nowhere lmao

but I do need you to do literally like anything rn or else you’re handing the rand to the scum which is a loss for you regardless of whether you’re right and I’m scum lol

quin to save the day

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you do realize that squirrel is my proposed ejji partner if eric is town, right?

Orange talk to me about Eric scum meta

I don’t want to and you can’t make me

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i was writing a wallpost

@orangeandblack5 i think aelin has improved this game
they wrote the wall post and posted it 30 mins before eod and tried to wagon you
we need to teach them to ping people this game tho

it’s been a good while really

but I’m not seeing anything that I think is very strongly indicative of him being town over scum here

and either way I frankly think it will be harder to reach a correct read on him than any other slot going forward so

still feeling good about eric today, and then defaulting to ejji tomorrow unless something changes

also fire have I ever told you my favorite number


remind me in deadchat

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also thank god this doesn’t have the same ruleset as that last game here where you needed to get a majority and there was no plurality

that was not a good fit for the activity level of 451 lol

actually it was worse than that because if maj wasn’t reached the host just killed whichever town they thought would do the most harm regardless of votes iirc

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what the fuck?
