M17 “Gold Rush” Game Thread [No Contest]

how did you quote like that?
When I click reply, there’s only that avatar/link thingy that appears on the right side of the post

how about you just eat a snickers?
It’s a good alternative for genocide, I think

dont you mean
baaaaaaaaaaaaah d sheep?

@Andresvmb it’s kind of unfortunate that your friend rolled scum in his first game…

We might have to kill him.

I mean, yes.
but consider… you can always eat a snickers :slight_smile:

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Or… do both?


@jletendre btw beginning of game basically just troll around and get a feel, an intro would be good too

Hello people never played on CD before so memeing aroundVOTE: Waxton

I’ll vote for whoever u vote for

Editing posts is generally a no no btw

Oh sorry

VOTE: waxton

Edits are visible on this site, but try to exclusively edit syntax, not content.


Hi friends

I saw @StarV mention me and was very confused for a sec

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time is ticking, let’s get this game going

@gellnick @Squirrel2412 wanna vote someone?

First mafia to come forward gets to do my marketing final

Best deal yet

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