M17 “Gold Rush” Game Signups (15p)

That’s good!

I think our setups have gotten more complex (and people play better in general)

Though I’m gonna be honest half the time I make dumb gambits so I might have gotten worse over time

Ok cool I’m just seeing things like janitor and spy and neighborizer and I’m a little confused. Also what’s the thing with the numbers we have to choose?

Neighborzier is not a role in this game but it has been in the past (M16/M14). If you have any questions specifically on what each of the roles that are present I would be happy to answer.

What the draft dose is untie roles from alignments. The way that would be done the highest unique number would get first pick and moving down the order by uniqueness then by the highest. The second number only comes into play when breaking ties between players with the same first number. If there is additional questions regarding that I would be happy to answer as well.

Drafts have also been run in the two games I mentioned above as well so if you want to get an idea on how this works those will be a good place to start. (M16 is on here and M14 is on chief)

I have no idea why y’all like drafts so much lol

but we keep doing them so hey

Janitor - finds a player’s role, but also hides that player’s alignment + role if that player dies

Spy - selects 3 roles and learns which players those 3 roles target

Neighborizer - (not a role this game) creates a private chat with other players (adds 1 person to the chat each night)

PRs are not linked to alignments - you could claim a PR and not be confirmed town

People choose their PRs via a draft system with the numbers (basically: you pick 2 numbers. Unique = good, non unique = bad)

Like I said, our setups have gotten more complex lol

Simple setups underrated

hey don’t worry I normally have flawed logic which gets me killed


reject draft setup

try Gold Rush instead

it’s this year’s champs setup

and it’s 15p instead of 18p so we only need 3 more not 6 more

2x Mafia Goons

1x Mafia Roleblocker

1x Town Motion Detector

1x 1-Shot Town Vigilante (n2+)

1x Town Doctor

9x Vanilla Townie

Flips are alignment only.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 2000000000 hours unless flagged)

Poll to measure the want to change setups. I am happy todo so if wanted.

Opinion to change to the proposed “gold rush” setup
  • Strongly in favour
  • Slightly in favour
  • Neither for nor against
  • Slightly opposed
  • Strongly opposed

0 voters

…did you mean to post that twice

hi kids who’re actually using the site.
I might be making it a real site again so tell me if shit’s randomly broken because code changes are at least semi-happening again maybe


The first one was intended and showed on my end to be deleted.

I suppose that might be elli’s fault lel

lol ok


I’m probably going to be too busy with school to play in this, if you end up with fourteen and absolutely can’t find a fifteenth player I’ll reconsider

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I am going to declare that settled. And the game type will be officially changed to the gold rush setup. (OP and title will be updated when I get the opportunity -edit has now been done)

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This is taking too long to start. By the time it starts, I will be a lot busier

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I can be a /backup. Feels good.

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…alrighty then