M16 Dead/Spectator Chat

People scumreading EK at this point have to be misguided

If he’s scum I’ll pull an osie

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but yeah this is super entertaining to watch

Lemme try and figure out a guess at the third

Gut says Flash/Cattypaws but


Actually if it’s within those four just inform me rn and save me the time


Uh how?
Cat is the traitor, flash is the third scum



Yeah scum are gonna be glad you’re gone

Anyways I’m dead but good to know had I been protected we’e be game over lmao

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lol yeah

Arete claiming ACop shoulda really been a big red flag but I forgot it’s a 9 PR setup and so put more weight on the claim than I should’ve

However there are NO protective roles in this, I got like 7 requests for neighborizer/fruit vendor for some reason


Damn ok

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There are like a total of 5 PRs

Ok, 7 PRs.

ftr if squirrel flips and anyone backreads me these two should be p outed? I distinctly called out Squirrel ignoring them as a massive red flag

I don’t really regret the JK elim tho? that whole thing with probably-town-Quin was so weird that I just can’t

@JKBear331 please don’t snap on people for listening to you aaaaaaaaaaa :laughing:

Do you really wanna know

I’m surprised you got anything out of Flash/Cattypaws with their activity. I’m considering getting a replacement for one of them.


Take my energy

Point out me trusting you so hard I stopped pushing kaylee entirely

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That’s part of it for Flash tbh

He’s been entirely unproductive which is gross for him

Catty got townread by Arete and softballed by squirrel when I didn’t like their iso at all

Arete’s cop claim makes no damn sense when I think about it for more than 5 minutes (they were smart to hold off their claim) and squirrel had really been dropping and the softballs to catty and flash were really nagl

Oh well, at least I can get post-game cred for nailing all four without being informed lmao