Night kill flavor was brought to you by @Nanook. I can’t believe you all thought I would say donut… What do I look American?

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Gg, sorry for the slow roll Andres I was worried about potential vengeful or something fucky like that

M2H voting Phraze was not smart. That’s literally never a winning play. I don’t get it.

And I was right about you. I just suck at this game.

He probably thought you and Phraze yeah?

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I mean never in a million years.

Naw that was tough, me and Gtacc not hammering when we ostensibly could’ve is hard to overcome

Mafia were all goons with the following modifiers:

GTacc: None

Ellibereth: Drug Dealer
If you are investigated, you will be seen visiting the victims regardless of whether or not you performed a kill. You will be seen as mafia for any roles that perform alignment checks and for any loyal/disloyal abilities.

Nanook: Upstanding Citizen
If you are investigated, you will NOT be seen visiting the victim even if you performed a kill. You will be seen as town for any roles that perform alignment checks and for any loyal/disloyal abilities.

The modifiers were randomized among all players in the game.

I know. That screwed with me.

I wanted to be sure of it lol, didn’t want to take a chance there

Consider it a sign of respect that I thought it was too risky to do it against you!

I just have so much difficulty in games where people don’t try hard at all.

Dammit my first instinct was right. This has to be like the 5th 50/50 I’m on the wrong side of.


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Weren’t you shot by your own people?

I thought he was a SK lolol

Also I called that Chess/Nanook weren’t the same alignment. I honestly hate myself.

Urist argues that he died because of a mod error, stating that you believed his cop claim and killed him.

How is this not game breaking?

I guess it didn’t matter since all the PR’s were killed in an instant.

Town had a higher chance of getting that role