VOTE: JaketheWolfie

VOTE: Jakethewolfie


Jakethewolfie has been lynched!

He was Town


Forensics Specialist

You work in forensics at the precinct. Your job is to analyze crime scenes and data to retrieve evidence.

Alignment: Town
Role: Forensics Specialist
Win Condition: You win when all members of the mafia have been arrested or killed.

Ability: During the night, you may analyze one of the victims and gather one piece of evidence that will narrow down the search for the guilty party.



Night 3 Begins, Please submit night actions



Due to the exuberant amount of DEAD complaints, I am no longer permitted to use quick nights without pre-game disclaimers, liability waivers and contracts faxed at least 3 times.

So, there will be no more quick nights. Thank you all for your understanding here at the LAPD’s 69th precinct, we care about our people’s well being… Unlike those schmucks over at the 451st.


MetalSonic has been thrown off of a skyscraper.

He was town aligned 3rd Party



You preach that evil has taken root in society and that it must be purged. By night, you take the law into your own hands. Your purpose on this earth is to rid the world of all its demons.

Alignment: 3rd Party
Role: 3rd Party 1-Shot Vigilante
Win Condition: You win when all members of the mafia and players who have connections with the mafia have been eliminated.

Ability: Once during the game at night, you may kill another player in the game.


Runner: If you are investigated, you will return no result.

Day 4 Begins.


5 Alive, takes 3 to lynch.

Phases ended too fast… I guess there needs to be a mass claim?

Ok, everyone claim if you voted elli or not

I hard claim an elli vote

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I think Nanook is surely Scum here. He’s been hammering everything.

I also resent the fact that I’m still alive.

This should be seen as contradictory with your previous statement

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I’m starting: Masons with X
do I get to decide who next? Is it a thing?

Please tell me it’s with M2 or Phraze lolol

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I’m not contradicting myself. I’m still around, which means I’m lynch bait. Or well, that I suck. That too. I’m also saying that you hammering everything without making any sort of effort makes me think you’re Scum.

This is Lylo surely right?

I’m Vanilla Town btw. No powers, no modifiers. Just plain old boring Vanilla.

Also why does this game have so many Third Parties? Seriously.

Can you help me out here? How do I read you in this game? I have very little to base any decisions on.