Josh Mafia 2: Custom Edition - Day 2

Metal you may as well fullclaim what you can since you claimed an action. Its fun, FUN

VOTE: Gtacc

If MS is honest about visiting me, they’re not much of a threat now.


I said what I said

Should Metal Sonic be aware that something bad happened to him last night? It seems he is not.

I have no idea, I kinda assume so but :woman_shrugging:

If it weren’t a Josh game, I’d say definitely. It is a Josh game, so idfk.

Why do we think elli avoided being sent to the snugglepile? I think he might be a howler.

MS you keep talking like this and I want you to shove your head up your ass and fuck your self.

So someone was blocked or saved?
Maybe the block claims but not doc?


I disagree that the fact that the five of us were on alternative endeavours shows that any of us were scum as bussing is possible. I think my vote from yesterday is still a good one.

Then again, my biggest scum read is among the five people that you are calling out as possible scum so I do think you are right for the wrong reason.


Found a picture of Elli



Can we turn this game into a sweep? We can if you sheep me.

actually you are my new biggest scum read because under no other situation would you react this way to me voting my previous biggest scum read.


then again, I can wholly understand how my strange behavior and legendary intelligence could confuse you even if you were town so I would suggest you to backpedal on this read.


M2H is scum dudes…

There is no way this guy even thinks that he can understand my brilliance. This comment is 100% scum.