Illuminati HQ!

Ok, so kill dan, give RBG cancer.

I’ll carry the kill

Hey guys,

good luck, sorry, thought the stuff at the end would work slightly better.

I know I can post in topic but I’m against shitposting on my own site lmao. Also it makes the vote counts weird (i.e. having to remove me every time).

No worries—key kinda made it impossible not to SR you lol

you’re no true Illuminati

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I actually don’t think me wanting to play pokemon was AI lmao. Maybe it was who knows. xD

It wasn’t, saying you had site issues keeping you from the thread instead of saying “and I like Pokémon better than you” while calling out key to back you up might’ve been.

i don’t think I ever said I had site issues keeping me out
I was saying I was so obsessed with pokemon I haven’t worked on site stuff

or maybe im bad at typing xD

Idk, regardless of whether it was AI, it would’ve been suicide for me not to SR you unless I was pushing a key SR lol

I mean I’m your partner and I didn’t get that from it lmao

I read it as working on the timer and she’s like

but im the coder I do that not u


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nah she wasn’t/isn’t involved as the timer

well on the plus side after this game you continue to save your one “powerscum out of jail free” card

well I tried pushing no one as scum this game which I think is actually a first?

also treestumps suck because of how they fuck with votes
should probably avoid that mechanic until the vote thing can recognize living players

key told me to use Alive tags and it works?

nah those designate substrings not who’s actually alive atm, should be named [players] for what it does right now

like what those does is make VOTE: chess map to chesskid3 when you’re in the tags.

Ah I thought it also removed any votes from players not on the list

@realDonaldTrump does my public roleblock block the NK?

ya if the roleblockee is performing the nightkill that’s no bueno it’s a real roleblock