Nanook is the sorting hat because nobody else would choose UFO to be conftown

I would actually wager that Ellibereth has been voted out or at least heavily pressured d1 a bit more than average recently. My impression might be skewed though.

Are you talking about yourself in the third person? Hahaha

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Answer me on discord

How do you know that the Sorting Hat gets to pick who is announced publicly? I don’t see that spelled out anywhere.

It’s in the OP

Year 1


Who would others pick?

Ah okay. I read that thing like 3 times and I still missed that.

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Don’t play with us, you clicked heart button without reading the rules

Oh yeah absolutely. But I mean just now - I was trying to figure out a way to narrow down D1 without us being lost for forever.

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Thanks for confirming my suspiciouns you look like an honest guy I will sheep you VOTE: Ellibereth

Probably someone they want to choose to be on slytherin later

Possibly. But you might also just pick who from your perspective is the least harmful choice. At the end of the day, it’s obvious that starting D2, the player that was Confirmed Town D1 is no longer so.

If I read that correctly.

So why is Nanook the only one that would make me town confirmed for day 1?

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You have to ask Urist that I have no idea.

He knows you irl so is biased in thinking you’re an easier read. The rest of us probably think GTacc or Dusk is an easier read.

Well haha I don’t share the opinion on GTacc but Dusk maybe.