Grand Idea Mafia 2: Electric Boogaloo

Electric Serial Killer

You are a Serial Killer.
If the moderator decides to do flavor, your kill flavor will always be Electricity related.

Originally created by BBmolla

In this topic: The role list for Grand Idea Mafia. Post a role to be included at the top of your post. This can be anything, a normal thing like a Cop or a weird thing like a Compulsive Firebreathing Serial Killer Jester. For Grand Idea Mafia, a person simply takes this thread, and randomizes between 1 - last post number. They then become the role at the top of that post.

If you want to post in this thread something that isn’t a crazy role (commenting on a role or something), at least put Vanilla Town at the top of your post. I mean we’ll need some of those anyways.

And go

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

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Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Neutral Town Supporter

You are neutral.
You win when the enemy factions of the town loses.
You may spare anyone else.

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Super Vanilla Townie

Mod will publicly confirm your role.
All other roles aligned with Town is now Vanilla Townie.

Fuck off, GTacc

If any variant of “Super Vanilla Townie” rolls, they instantly lose.

You win with the Wolves

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