Gladiator Smalltown Mafia - OVER

The OP isn’t updated with selected things and I can barely read so

Names are on the left of the selected options, underlined.

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Shockingly it is, albeit in a pretty difficult to track way

Star should really be more accommodating to his playerlist’s literacy level tbh


Fwiw, I was tempted to rand his selection, or give him whatever I considered to be worst or least fun.

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Andabata Blindfold + Dagger

Each arena battle phase, you will randomly target a player, you won’t know who it is. During the day, you are a double voter.

Bestiarius - Beasts

Each arena battle phase, you may target a player, if that player receives a majority vote, they will bill role-blocked instead of eliminated. You may not use this action on consecutive arena battle phases. If this action is self-targetted, there is a 50% chance of immediate death, mafia team members count as self-targeting.

Cestus - Unarmed

Each arena battle phase, track a player. If that player receives a majority vote, you will be eliminated instead.

Dimachaerus - Two Swords

Each arena battle phase, you may target two players or prevent one player from targeting you.

Essedarius - War-Chariot

Each arena battle phase, you may target two players as a bus driver, redirecting actions between them. Actions targeting these players will not be informed of the redirect

Laquearius - Lasso + Dagger

Each arena battle phase, you may roleblock a player.

Murmillo - Heavy Armor

You must be targetted twice in order to be eligible for day elimination

Provocator - Gladius + Shield

Each arena battle phase, you may prevent one player from targeting you. Once per game, during the Execution Phase, a gladiator action may be used against any player in the game, you are one of two players who may use this action.

Thraex - Sica + Shield

Each arena battle phase, you may prevent one player from targeting you. Once per game, during the Execution Phase, a gladiator action may be used against any player in the game, you are one of two players who may use this action.

Veles - Spear

Each arena battle phase, you may target one player. Once per game, at arena battle phase, you may mark a player for death, you become a Cestus.

This one


This one


Fully support this

Am I actually going to be last pick? Fuck you @Ellibereth

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It’s been over 24h, modkill please

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I’m here shut up uristttt give me a moment


Ok I’ll take Thraex for the surprise

It’s been a while since we’ve seen dunya — their last post was 7 months ago.

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What’s left lol

So if I’m seeing this correctly two roles won’t be drafted?