[Game Thread] SFM1 - Puella Magi Forum★Mafia: Rebellion


And technically I’m still planning on submitting a transfer application

Wait are you also a Princeton alumnus?

so creepy

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Me elli and dan

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Hot damn

Anyone wanna tell their admissions department to accept my transfer application? :laughing:


we can pretend we convinced them to consider transfers in the first place haha, they didn’t exist when we were there :stuck_out_tongue:

also I’m pretty sure we don’t have a dank solar car team

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My roommate was ELE. They had some dope stuff


Hes known as T-squiggs in the internet mafia community but he retired

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one of my best friends is ele too if you want to chat with someone
he never joined the internet mafia community

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We need to talk about a serious issue that’s been happening in people’s setups recently involving neutrals. People have been putting neutrals in their setup like sprinkles on an ice cream. It’s one of those things you just want to do, but you know you shouldn’t.

Having a neutral in your setup is fine. It’s okay to do, as it makes the game more interesting to do. However people add in neutrals with no real addition to the game, such as making it a survivor with a bullet proof vest. How does that improve the setup in any way, how does it interact meaningfully with any other roles in the game? It doesn’t, neutral survivors are bland and overused and give neutrals a bad name.

When you are designing a neutral, you need to do it right. Loose Guidelines you can do when making neutrals in setups is like this

1.Make it challenging but not too challenging. Don’t make it a multi shot (shooting two people or more at once) serial killer that is death proof. Don’t make it a one shot serial killer that is macho either. It’s a fine line to walk between challenging, and too easy.

2.Give them the tools to accomplish their win condition. If you make a neutral, give them ways fo accomplish this. For example, allowing an executioner to frame their target once per game. Don’t give an executioner a roleblocking ability because why not, give it to them because it helps them accomplish their win condition. If you give a neutral the win condition to be the last man standing, give them tools to help accomplish that.

3.Make them have fun. This is one of the most important things about a neutral when designing a setup. When you look at a neutral, you should be able to look at it and say that I would want to play that role. It should be rewarding to play the class, and rewarding to win.

The reason I quote orange neutral role that he put in this game is because it marks all these guidelines.

It’s one of the most challenging neutral roles that I have ever seen. At first glance, this neutral seems ridiculously easy. I was shocked too when I looked at the setup sheet at a first glance. However when you look at the other roles and factions in the game, you realize that it is indeed a real challenge. Adding in the ChiefDelphi mods factions into the game was a game changer, as it made the neutral significantly harder to win as. With their power to lock threads and view them, it was only a matter of time until they found Oranges setup thread and locked it. When all hope was seemingly lost, orange realized that the host gave him abilities to deal with this. They were hidden passives that allowed him to communicate with the players in the game, and other mafia games. It also allowed him to negotiate with the Mods faction, promising to not bother them while using every ATE and logical argument that he could think of. When they unlocked it for a while, he was able to transfer it to this site which allowed him to accomplish his win condition. This is definitely one of the most amazing plays I have ever seen, and one of the most underrated neutral I have seen.

That is why I nonimate @orangeandblack5 for best neutral designer, and best neutral play.


oh my god




That sign can’t stop me if I can’t read


Litten is lock-BD

This was typed on phone which is why it’s not edited that well

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tries to like and fails

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I wanted to say that for all the kvetching from various players, this was a fun game to play in (as Valerie), and I want to thank @orangeandblack5 for hosting and for maintaining the game across sites. I hope to see y’all around in other games!

@REM @Arete @ash4fun @bepwei @IronicDeadBird @Quin @EricKline @Icibalus @Chemist1422 @Wisp @Marshal @deadbananas @Zone_Q11 @TotallyNotKyubey @Geyde @Ari_2412

Edit: Might as well link two sign-ups while I’m at it:



Hey everyone.

Stats for this are entered - let me know if there are any issues/typos.

atm hydras/alts are NOT associated stats wise with their associated accounts. This may change in the future.

I gotchu homie