Game Design Feedback

Hey, this is a game I designed and plan to host for a small group I play with on a different site. I’m looking for some feedback before I start it and hope it’s alright if I post this here.

10 player game

2 scum:

  • 2x Silencer (the fact that the target has been silenced will be publicly announced. They will be allowed to vote up to three times. This is pretty standard for the site where I will be hosting this game)
  • 1x Executioner. I think I will also give this player a 1x Strongman

7 town:

  • Dreamer
  • Odd-Night Lie Detector (restriction: cannot use statements such as “I am town/win with the town” etc)
  • Jailkeeper
  • Gambler
  • Millionaire
  • Even-Night Paranoid Gun Owner
  • Vanilla Town (I thought I had 7 town roles figured out in my head, but now that I’ve written them all down, I realize that I only came up with six. But I think having one VT works fine with this setup tbh. If you can think of something better that keeps this game role madness, please let me know.)

1 Third Party:

  • Prophet

I appreciate all feedback! Let me know if you need clarification on what any role does.

Oh yeah, I will also give the mafia team the ability to ask if any two characters and any two roles are in the game any time during DP1. The game is themed. I haven’t written out all the PMs yet, but I know what character is associated with each role.