[FULL] MHA Mafia SignUps



@bepwei @REM

Who reviewed this game? :eyes:

It’s a matter of perspective really :wink:

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s o c i a l d i s t a n c i n g


ah right on cue

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ur perspective would be looking up cuz im taller than u nerd


Prolly heading to bed but we’ll see how this goes I guess :slight_smile:

You and Luxy both smh

Do you even know how tall I am? Did I say that when Luxy brought it up?

@Arete see this is what I was talking about

It’s a thing

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nah but im prolly taller than u


To be fair he’s probably not wrong

are you above 6’2


I’m like 5’10.5" iirc

I mean I don’t disagree but still lol

i mean i’ve seen that u + luxy solar car pic and can tell ur deffo not 6’2

unless camera angle fuckery

but that also would mean luxy is lime 6’4 which is just… no

Luxy is like a half inch to an inch taller than me at most

That surprises me

We got cut off real fast.

Oh no

They were all online


Us too

My first one is tomorrow, it should be interesting.

Currently trying to figure out how to safely get back to my home in the middle of the pandemic epicenter
