Forging of the Rings - Over!

Also since when do you care about if a site thing is game relevant lmao

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lmao elli you talk about site stuff in games all the time

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I think doing “M2H Kawaii detective” would be better than how it is now and bold M2H.

though tbf i only give myself nicknames b/c too much empty space with just “M2H”

I’m pretty sure I’ll get used to it at some point but it’s messing with my internal OCD at the moment.

Like seeing “Clem” and then reminding myself that that’s an entirely different player entirely is :face_with_head_bandage:

Btw, I’m assuming scum have flavor-falseclaims so that this game doesn’t get broken by a mass name/flavor claim? How does that usually work on this site?

User-run games aren’t standardized but I’d trust Urist to not be stupid.

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  • Bold “real name” + normal "username + normal “title”
  • Normal “real name” + bold “username” + normal “title”
  • Bold “username” + normal “real name” + normal “title”.
  • Normal “username” + bold “real name” + normal “title”
  • Other (tell me!)

0 voters

All bold errything

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we get to vote on site features in our mafia game?

this is sick

kawaii detective would be my real name right?

Only when elli is playing

OK I redid the bolding so the username is always bolding, order might be less trivial a change to make we’ll see. Should be better now though @Prophylaxis?

That looks so bad with the bolded not on the top though

Yea totally, thanks for that change.

Sure I’ll probably have some more miscellaneous site-related questions later on but we’ll get to that when it happens.

Thanks I hate it

eh let me see if I can flip the order. -.-



One more misc. question while I can get away with it

Does this site have pages or is it one long thread? Do you just use the sidebar on the right to navigate or is there a more precise way to look at old posts?

No pages.

Sidebar on the right AFAIK.