@Tammy and @Ellibereth get back to me soonish before the game gets hammered D:
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY my game filled :3
I’m really in need of 5 hydras in next 3 days that can fill this game of mine or I have to cancel it:
you might like to join it cause its gonna be really fun.
How long do we have to submit picks ali
48 hours before I pick for people.
hi HYDRAing with ChessKID
I’m allowing it unless people complain to me about it.
And I doubt I’ll get those complaints but hey you never know plus this will take a bit for role pms to go out.
I complain just because
Also you can opt in/out for this if you care
I’m opting the game in at its current state but feel free to opt out cuz
im offended and triggered by it
Sorry this is taking so long!
Cause its taking so long, I thought I would do this.
As of this post about 5 role pms are done, maybe a bit more.
However just about all of the details about the game are worked out in my mind. Because of this, its easier to work on the game!
I am going to see if I can get some more done before I head to bed, but its hard considering whenever I look at my design PT, I lose motivation to actually work on things mostly because “eh, don’t feel like it.”
Its an understandable feeling
Well, that and along with well…
Wait till role pms go out.
You’ll understand :3
But its justified I promise!