I wouldn’t call it a universal. Trollish scum might do something like that, but I don’t think Maxwell Puckett is trollish as either alignment.
Guccy has made more posts than I realesed. Just so many of them are one liners.
And he moves his vote from me to beeboy without giving a reason after saying he had a slight town read on beeboy earlier.
Are one liners and there current style of play usual for them?
I wonder if the scum team can play cards for each other, though.
This is in consideration of MP’s playing cards?
Are you thinking a pissed off scum team have been yelling at MP and he has come in to play cards, to shut them up and left again?
I wish I understood how the cards work.
This is in consideration of MP’s playing cards?
Yeah. It’s essentially idle speculation, though.
VOTE: catspurr
Is your game play simply to vote anyone who fosses you?
I am sure I am not the only one who will notice, as ‘busy’ as you claim to be; as soon as someone questions your play you jump in and vote.
This tells us you are watching the game closely but chosing not to contribute or scum hunt.
That is scummy play in my book.
VOTE: Maxwell
GIF thinks this is where we should place our votes.
Who is maxwell?
The man who randomly played the card out of nowhere while not posting here.
Catspurr I fell like you have said a whole lot and asked a bunch of questions but I’m not sure where you stand.
Can you give me a rundown?
I must have missed it.
A good question Srceenplay.
Srceenplay…Town lean, seems looser than when playing scum
MaxwellPuckett… If scum, very bad at it.
Cutie Pie (Metal Sonic + Riley Cake)…Was readng town until the LLD altercation Now neutral
Wgeurts… not playing
Erika Furudo… Erika could be skating scum, not doing anything as town
Beesaysbeep (Beeboy + Sheepsaysmeep) Beeboy…they are fluffy, which could be scum
Guccy (EDDIE CANE + CHESSKID)…have indicated what I find scummy about their play
SoundsofSilence (GuyInFreezer + fferyllt)…strong town read
Lady Lambdadelta…was seeing as scummy then town but there card play …seems over the top ??? would scum going over board like that?
GreyICE…slight town read
Frozen Angel…was reading as town before they asked to out,
hello freak bitches