Dub Thee Game Thread

Hey here’s another idea, explain to me a world where a scum team has both twins and one of them says this D1

Maybe you can explain why Solar is town while you’re at it

As you can see I’m very close to finishing carrying this I just need like 4 of you to give me the bare minimum information I need and we can rock and roll

I mean that in a polite way not a rude one

I want to know who killed Doggo

That is one of the pieces of information I need, yes

There’s a very high chance it’s @Kuma that shot doggo but confirmation is required.

whale if it isnt you or nanook. andrei wouldve been smart and confirmed. then it gotta be Kuma.

Only one i can trust rn is kuma ig??.. if thats true

oh ye and some knights can dub people right?

Nanook if this will help in your investigstions and if youre a kingdom citizen as bold as it may sound you can trust me :smiley: im kingdom as well

At this point I’ll claim for ya.
My role allows me to choose two people, if they are the same faction they don’t die, if they are in different factions they die.
Night 1, I chose Chuck and Xe which is why I said I flummied. So yeah Xe is confirmed.
Night 2, I chose Chess and Doggo because they had conflicts, lo and behold they died.


Well, if you’re with the Kingdom you can trust Xe as well.

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Yeah I agree with this fine.

Okay Kuma is Town we can lock that one.

I think the pool would be narrowed substantially if the King and Queen claim.

We have Xerjr2, Kuma and probably Row as Town.

I’m reading Nanook as Town. And for now I’m thinking Erika is probably Town but that’s not as strong of a read.

If we have 4 guaranteed Town and 2 good reads I think this is almost auto?

Chess was probably right with his Kill pool which is why I think we need Lenni to simply confirm themselves as Queen here.

But the list includes Solar. So are you sure? I mean I have been feeling Solar is Scum almost the whole game haha but I’m like not sure? And Chess’ argument still sticks in my mind.