Draft Vengeful Round 2 Game 1

you know i guess it theoretically doesnt, my theory that “pinged on gamestart” is stopped by active lurking

also it’s not auto if we hit maf goon right

3 people die and we have 2 confirmed its auto.

oh wait
goon kills me or you and it’s not
my bad



it’s 2/3 auto which is certainly a chance

2 confirmed town is only 67% hahah thats hilarious

well its theoretically 5/6 chance, since the 1/3 turns into a 50/50 assuming no other reads

oh yeah it is 5/6 whoops
i’m off today >.>

trusted you too fast

btw confirm you’re not friends with him on discord

do i just take an SS or smth

im not friends with josh, i am with m2h

btw this is one of many good reasons to not rely on discord for this stuff - so many above rand angle shooty things, even more with plugins probably.

and honestly if josh added you to the group and then told you to remove him as a friend knowing I would check he can have this one LOL

nah lol just making sure I wasn’t somehow bugged xD

i dont think captains would coach and neither of us probably would have thought of that quickly enough

so we can either wifom for who’s most likely GF or you can just roll a die

Hmm… I actually think it’s best here if we shoot Elli so that scum don’t get a kill.

i was gonna say regarding the draft assuming if we’re both town maybe suggests that m2h puts an easy read for either you or me on the same game

what drugs are you on atm