Yeah, yhere was basically no way you weren’t both town, lol
well this game could have been over if I just listened to andres and shot you N2 with him :<
If you’d strongmanned me, yeah
Yeah, those roles are very likely town to town roles lol
omg. we could have been actual masons.
When they’re a pair, they’re basically going to be both scum or both town, but probably not split. Not when the shared BP is a thing.
Also my role fit my personality awesomely and I really enjoyed it haha
gg wp
I think my only real regret is convincing (by which I mean strongarming) Neymar to rolecop Urist, instead of making him rolecop AD.
i dunno it’d be pretty useful to know that you could recruit Urist in the end
All we got was a role name, not what the roles did.
oh lol
Yeah, I would’ve NKed Urist instead of DS if I knew lol
Which actually would’ve worked, cause screen left him open to me! Fuck, man. That kinda sucks haha
I have a lot of appreciation for @Cheeky by the way, thank you so much for coming into a really hard spot and doing your best. Sorry I wasn’t around much that day to help you out as much as I’d have liked to!
I just wish that Gtacc and Mantis werent so fucking scummy because outside of them my reads were really good. I called both of the scum team at one point (Clem actually pointed out a post where I said three names and he responded with 2/3 aint bad) and at one point i even pointed out that Urist was likely 3rd party.
My bad guys lmfao, Skitter still should have jk’d the non-mason-masons tho
thanks for hosting MS!
i’m kinda happy that i started today with a lynchpool of {nanook/urist/screenplay}
also nanook part of the reason i was suspicious of you (if this wasn’t obvious at the end of the day) is that you were waaaaay too confident in scumreading people i was pretty sure were town for very very dubious reasons imo
also i don’t think i’ll play many more games with deadlines around this length; i actually really like my week+ ms deadlines
Eh, I do that as town too though, sometimes, when I feel like I have a really good read (or want to look like I do, for whatever reason). Hesitance and uncertainty aren’t really towntells for me.