Dengeki Bunko UCanPick [TOWN + SURVIVOR WIN]

Do You still have your Two Votes Urist?

each of us has a 1-shot vig

Yes, I know he could be scum.
So could I.
I donā€™t think either of you are.
But, on balance I have you a little ahead on the scummymetre.
Or him a little ahead on the townymetre.

I am now very convinced that ActionDan; Andre and Srceen are all town, or at least not scum aligned.

As per my thinking it through because of the magic lightening.
This Should be a Town Mark for RedFlavor.
That she pointed this out.

Btw im a he


So am I, a 60 year old Male.

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@Urist Bump!

I mean, youā€™re blaming him ahead of time for being mislynched, thatā€™s always going to read weird to me no matter where your vote is.

Ftr we already agreed that there is likely a doc between mafia because there are 2 mason vigis, and guess who claimed doc

I donā€™t think thatā€™s true fwiw

Unless you have one youā€™re hiding, I guess :thinking:

Im gonna claim my full role for clearance

I am town 2 shot watcher 1 shot gladiator

Nothing more, nothing less

If Skitter doesnā€™t come in her in the next 10 mins, Iā€™m making the assumption she JKs only me. I wish there was a bit more coordination since deadline is so close

oh DL is in 3 hours. nvm

Only if gtacc is lynched

Okay, thanks, I kinda remembered that after the bump.

Do you have any powers before Redflavor is lynched?
And does she have to be lynched or would her dying as a nightkill also give you powers?

funny enough it was you and DS show agreed, I donā€™t remember anyone else speculating on the doc role as such.

I could be wrong in my memory.

  1. I did not start with any powers.
  2. Iā€™ll leave that up in the air for now.

So thereā€™s 2h left. And the 3 people we have who are close to confirmed town are not voting. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy