Dengeki Bunko UCanPick [TOWN + SURVIVOR WIN]

Sorry for being slow getting here btw, I didn’t realise my role PM was already sent lol. ANyway, I’m here now and ready to kill scum :stuck_out_tongue::gun:


what did your slot do last night?

So yeah, do any of you have some immediate questions y’all want to ask me before I start reading? Or maybe parts I should read straight away?

Oh hi Skitter :stuck_out_tongue: Let me check lol

So I used my power on Nanook last night, but it failed

you were told that it failed?

Wait, should I claim lol? What’s happening?

Yeah. It was a 1-shot thing and I got the shot back for tonight wooo

ok cool

yeah i jk’d your slot last night and if you’re shot-limited you get the shot back

there’s another jk/rb floating around if cats is telling the truth then because she was told her thing failed

@catspurr did you get your shot back?

pretty sure mylo is town, yay

cool cool

In this game, I certainly wouldn’t count on it—maybe gtacc sees it differently, I dunno, but if I were scum I certainly wouldn’t count on there not being a role that could catch me. If that makes sense.

:grin: Nice I’ve already fooled you :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, should I just start reading?

Le gasp

I don’t actually remember your claim so I’m not sure if I should be indignant or not.

eh i think you mgiht as well full-claim; i think you’re the last slot to have not at this point except maybe cats and screenplay (they’ve both partially claimed; idk if you full-claimed)

Vote Count 3.2

RedFlavor (2): Nanook, DS
Andres (1): RedFlavor
Urist (1): catspurr
Mylo (1): Urist

Not Voting (5): skitter30, Andres, Mylo, ActionDan, Srceenplay

Deadline: November 4, 2018 3:00 AM

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

we got scum!cheeky lynched at eod yesterday; you might want to read that

and nanook used a role to stop a lynch from happening and nk happening day1/night 1, might want to read that too

plus today probably

Okay then, I’m the movitator!

I can give people back 1-shot abilities and also give people the ability to 2-shot at night :smiley: I have so much power lol

you should give cats her shot back tonight

honestly motivating me wouldn’t be the worst idea; i could jk both masons then (although it sounds like they have some sort of action too so idk if they want me to do that)

this is a really weird setup lol

Riley apparently forgot to to do the 2-shot thing yesterday because they were so inactive lol